Why Therapy
People seek therapy for a number of different reasons. It might be to have someone from outside to talk to and not to be judged or dismissed. Or we might find ourselves in a crisis which seems difficult to move on from. It can also offer a space to have time to reflect on where we have got to in life and provide fresh impetus for personal growth and a possible change of direction. It can provide the opportunity to make sense of past experiences which might hinder us in the present.
If you find yourself distressed, confused, seeking a change in direction or simply wanting someone to talk to, therapy can help. I offer a confidential space, where, together, we can explore your situation and what you seek, how your life has been and how you would like it to be now.
I live and work on a farm in the countryside in Oxfordshire. I believe our environment can have a significant impact on our wellbeing. My practice room is light and spacious, overlooking a garden, fields and trees beyond. Being so closely connected to nature offers a peacefulness and groundedness which you are welcome to share. I also offer on-line therapy.
About Me
I have a Diploma in Integrative Counselling from the Minster Centre and have completed a Masters Degree in Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy. I am a Registered Member of The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and work according to the BACP Code of Ethics. I am also a Registered Member of The UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP).
As an integrative therapist I draw on several different psychological schools of thought. In practical terms this means that I can tailor different psychological approaches to fit your specific needs. My clients come from all walks of life and bring a variety of issues, including anxiety, depression, bereavement, early attachment trauma and difficulties in forming relationships.
I have spent a large part of my working life in Africa, developing educational media for rural audiences. A vital part of this work has been to listen to people, however different their backgrounds and experiences are from my own, and communicate in an empathetic and non-judgemental way.
I also have extensive experience of working with clients who have been to boarding school.
What are the first steps?
Our first meeting gives us an opportunity to assess whether I am the right therapist for you. After you contact me via phone or email we will set up a time when we can talk on the phone or on-line for an introductory session. Please leave your name, contact number/email and when it is convenient for me to call you back.
What happens in our first session?
In our first introductory session we’ll discuss what’s brought you here and what you hope to gain from therapy. This session will last 50 minutes or so. If we agree to work together I will need some contact details which I will ask you return to me. These will be stored securely.
How much does each session cost?
Our first 50 minute session is free. If we decide to work together, I then charge £65 per session for 50 minute sessions where we will meet at the same time every week.
How many sessions do I need?
I offer the number of sessions you feel you need. This can be as short as six sessions or longer term therapy which can be open-ended. I currently offer both face to face and on-line sessions.